La procesión del Kanamara Matsuri

La procesión del Kanamara Matsuri se realiza cada primavera en la ciudad de Kawasaki, Japón. A esta actividad religiosa llegan miles de japoneses de todos los rincones del país y a los medios occidentales siempre les gusta publicar fotos del curioso evento.

La procesión pertenece al Santuario Kanayama de la religión Sintoísta; porque procesiones las realizan distintas religiones aparte de la católica para quienes no lo sepan.  Las procesiones son un invento religioso mucho más antiguo que el cristianismo y han sido utilizadas para recorrer de un lugar a otro a distintos dioses, espíritus y símbolos venerables. Su valor histórico pertenece a toda la humanidad y su evolución es una respuesta a las necesidades religiosas y espirituales de cada época.

Así, la procesión del Kanamara Matsuri es una respuesta histórica que evolucionó en un templo en uno de los países con la más grande reputación por ser “modestos” y con “buenos modales”. La cortesía y respeto, a veces excesivo, de la cultura japonesa es por todos conocida y su efecto en el largo plazo ha resultado en que se busquen ventilar sentimientos y emociones de manera pública disfrazados en rituales religiosos con una connotación política, socio-cultural y sexual.

Las procesiones del festival sintoísta están entronizadas por penes de distintas formas y materiales que son cargados en santuarios portátiles llamados mikoshi por la ciudad.  Los mikoshi son cargados por hombres y mujeres vestidos con abrigos tradicionales y algunos de los hombres van descubiertos en la parte inferior vistiendo solamente un fundoshi, ropa interior que parece un taparrabos de algodón.  La actividad no es un evento organizado por mercadólogos sino por sacerdotes de un templo local; sin embargo, su éxito ha llegado hasta nuestro continente y cada vez atrae a más extranjeros para participar de la actividad.

Como ven, incluso los conservadores y tradicionales japoneses han encontrado en este festival una razón para celebrar un órgano creador de vida que para los religiosos sintoístas tiene una cercana conexión con la existencia de nuestra vida en este planeta y, por eso, lo veneran y pasean en procesiones. Los penes que salen en procesiones simbolizan una leyenda en la que una mujer fue capaz de vencer a un demonio celoso que le impedía tener hijos y continuar poblando el mundo.

Les comparto esta historia para que primero entendamos que las procesiones no son una particularidad de la religión católica sino son una expresión más de las miles de expresiones religiosas que existen.  También, les comparto esta historia porque nos pueda ayudar a entender cómo las procesiones son también un producto de la época que evoluciona con su gente y su filosofía de vida. Hace doscientos años los católicos eligieron decorar y vestir sus procesiones con ciertas influencias culturales e históricas que lo notemos o no ya han ido cambiando por quienes ahora organizan estas actividades. Sin embargo, las procesiones no son propietarias de una religión en particular y ya han aparecido nuevas formas de celebrar en procesiones otros dioses, espíritus y símbolos que deben de ser tolerados como expresiones de un sentimiento de la época.  Para finalizar, la desnudez es un tabú que debemos discutir y superar como población y debemos respetar a quienes deciden desnudarse o proyectar un sentimiento en órganos reproductivos como el pene sintoísta o la vagina de un grupo de feministas.

Somos un mundo muy diverso que debe coexistir en paz, respeto y tolerancia sin violentar los derechos de libertad de expresión, y de libertad de culto y pensamiento aún de quienes piensan distinto de nosotros.

Entendiendo el racismo en Guatemala ¿Qué opinas?

Hace algunas semanas estaba leyendo un cuadernillo de investigación de la USAC titulado “El Terrateniente guatemalteco: una aproximación a su concepción ecológica y a los efectos de su práctica productiva sobre el medio ambiente” y me parece prudente mencionarlo ahora que la gente ha empezado a hablar en demasía con términos abstractos como “guatemala” “guatemaltecos” “nosotros” “ellos” y a veces abusan de los términos vacíos con los que pretenden hacer representaciones de unidad. Continue reading “Entendiendo el racismo en Guatemala ¿Qué opinas?”

Knight Of The Apocalypse No. 3

This is one new posts in celebration of the “A Week”,

“Where we have reasons for what we believe, we have no need of faith; where we have no reasons, we have lost both our connection to the world and to one another.” Sam Harris

Richard DawkinsDaniel C. DennettSam Harris andChristopher Hitchens have been referred to as The Four Knights Of The  Apocalypse by mystics who believe in the coming of the last revelation given by the Christian god in the last book of the New Testament written by the prophet John.  In the book, these Four Knights were sent by god to bring plagues upon the world.  The previous authors, all active atheists opposing mysticism have written dozens of books that have enlightened and educated millions of men who previously believed in these and more irrational and mystic stories.

  • The Red Horse, represented the plague of war.
  • The Black Horse, representing famine and poverty.
  • The Green or Yellow Horse, representing death and illness.
  • The White Horse, representing the final moment of life in which the Death reappears once again to redeem humanity.

To parody this Apocalyptic stories and to celebrate the Week of Atheism, I choose to celebrate the elocuent Sam Harris as Knight No. 3

Sam Harris is mostly know for his works criticizing the  dogma and the irrationality and immorality of  religious practices of Islam and Christianity.  He is a very young, smart and handsome philosopher and neuroscientist whom I first read in a flight from Guatemala to Vatican City for holidays with my family in 2006. How ironic isn’t it?  His book is titled The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (2004) and tells in a straight forward and educated analysis how faith and reason have always clashed in our history.  As a reviewer says in Amazon, “Harris offers a vivid historical tour of mankind’s willingness to suspend reason in favor of religious beliefs, even when those beliefs are used to justify harmful behavior and sometimes-heinous crimes.” and I completely agree with this statement.  Indeed, this is a book to enjoy.

I also bought but haven’t read his book titled: The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values and it is in my waiting list.

Now, check this video with a great debate titled “The God Debate II” with Sam Harris vs William Lane Craig,

VIDEO: The second annual God Debate features atheist neuroscientist Sam Harris and Evangelical Christian apologist William Lane Craig as they debate the topic: “Is Good From God?” The debate was sponsored in large part by the Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters: The Henkels Lecturer Series, The Center for Philosophy of Religion and the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts.

Sam Harris begins talking at 27:27

Knight Of The Apocalypse No. 2

This is one new posts in celebration of the “A Week”,

“I think that there are no forces on this planet more dangerous to us all than the fanaticisms of fundamentalism, of all the species: Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as countless smaller infections. Is there a conflict between science and religion here? There most certainly is.” Daniel C. DennettDarwin’s Dangerous Idea

Richard DawkinsDaniel C. DennettSam Harris andChristopher Hitchens have been referred to as The Four Knights Of The  Apocalypse by mystics who believe in the coming of the last revelation given by the Christian god in the last book of the New Testament written by the prophet John.  In the book, these Four Knights were sent by god to bring plagues upon the world.  The previous authors, all active atheists opposing mysticism have written dozens of books that have enlightened and educated millions of men who previously believed in these and more irrational and mystic stories.

  • The Red Horse, represented the plague of war.
  • The Black Horse, representing famine and poverty.
  • The Green or Yellow Horse, representing death and illness.
  • The White Horse, representing the final moment of life in which the Death reappears once again to redeem humanity.

To parody this Apocalyptic stories and to celebrate the Week of Atheism, I choose to remember Daniel C. Dennett as Knight No. 2.

The books written by Dennett are among the easiest and more interesting to read in the topics of  philosophy of mindphilosophy of science and philosophy of biology.  His are also some of the books with more notes, marks and corrections I have in my personal library.  Dennett has a very clever and consistent stands specifically in regard to the field of philosophy of biology of which I have enjoyed reading a lot in his books.  I strongly disagree with many of his arguments that depart from a objective and rational stand in regard to man’s epistemology, added to his incorrect relation of morality and organized religion as reciprocally necessary.  Nonetheless he’s a great writer.  Among his works are:

If you are new to his name, I recommend you to check the wonderful lecture by Mr. Dennett titled “What Should Replace Religions?

Knights Of The Apocalypse No. 1

A Devil's Chaplain
Image via Wikipedia

“My approach to attacking creationism is to attack religion as a whole (…)  religion is corrosive to science. It teaches people to be satisfied with trivial, supernatural non-explanations and blinds them to the wonderful real explanations that we have within our grasp. It teaches them to accept authority, revelation and faith instead of always insisting on evidence.” Richard Dawkins in his lecture at

Richard Dawkins, Daniel C. Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens have been referred to as The Four Knights Of The  Apocalypse by mystics who believe in the coming of the last revelation given by the Christian god in the last book of the New Testament written by the prophet John.  In the book, these Four Knights were sent by god to bring plagues upon the world.  The previous authors, all active atheists opposing mysticism have written dozens of books that have enlightened and educated millions of men who previously believed in these and more irrational and mystic stories.

  • The Red Horse, represented the plague of war.
  • The Black Horse, representing famine and poverty.
  • The Green or Yellow Horse, representing death and illness.
  • The White Horse, representing the final moment of life in which the Death reappears once again to redeem humanity.

To parody this Apocalyptic stories and to celebrate the Week of Atheism, I choose to remember Richard Dawkins as Knight No. 1.

Mr. Dawkins is the author of the famous book “The Selfish Gene” (1976), The Extended Phenotype (1982), A Devil’s Chaplain (2003), The God Delusion (2008) Unweaving the Rainbow (1998), among many other works. His topics of interest have commonly been related to his advocacy on evolutionary biology, memethics, and a rejection of mysticism, irrationality and relativism.  He’s maybe the most known atheist in today’s mass media and his ideas have fought a strong war against hundreds of theists and deists for half a century.  His book The Selfish Gene was also the first book I read in a topic that continued to interest me until now.

Now, I leave you with one of the lectures by him that I have enjoyed the most.  It was titled “An atheist’s call to arms” and presented at a TED talk in 2002.  The topic of this discussion is a “full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education” by a lobby group supported by Creationists.